Are robots stealing our jobs?

Hi, I’m Alice Greschkow. I’ve been living in Berlin since 2015 and work on the transformation of work. Excessive reading and learning about how technology affects the way people work, collaborate, hire and fire is part of my job.

Will AI kill my job?

Will we work remotely in the future?

Which skills do workers need in the future?

How reliable are HR algorithms?

How do policymakers respond to technological progress?

I would like to share those insights with you and add the European perspective. I’ll pick the best stories for you from US & UK media, German, Austrian and Swiss newspapers, and garnish it with a few international insights.

Let me explain…

I’ll summarize and explain articles, studies and interviews so you don’t have to read them. You don’t need to be a geek, you’ll get the info in digestible bits.



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Berlin-based new work enthusiast